About the ‘Night Skies’ portfolio
The first truly dark sky photograph I can remember taking was in 2009 at Abbott Pass Hut as my friend showed me how to record the stars and a portion of the milky way galaxy above Mt Lefroy on camera. We had lugged our heavy aluminum tripods from Moraine Lake over Wenkchemna and Opabin passes earlier that day en route to the hut for the purposes of shooting the golden hours with them at the pass. It was a shocking revelation at the time that I could record things I wasn’t able to see very well at night and I started to dabble in light painting and long exposures from then on. Now I am drawn to the challenges of crafting high quality, well executed night sky images. I often add a degree of difficulty to the process by valuing complex composition, exciting night sky phenomena and unique locations in my night sky shooting. Previsualization, scouting, multiple attempts, patience and a dose of luck are a requirement! These look great printed on metal surfaces that enhance and draw the eye to any available light in the scenes. Click through to the print shop to see pricing and available sizes.